
The Guitar Man

Meet the guitar man.
A.K.A. Rich (the hubby)
He loves his guitar almost as much as he loves his family.
He really doesn't get to spend as much time with it as he would like.
The Guitar Man thinks that I hate to hear him play.
I don't.
It's just the times that he chooses to play it that I don't like.
Like when we are getting ready to go somewhere and I ask him to help me get the babies stuff together. Somehow, getting the babies stuff together turns into dragging out the guitar for a quick 5 minute music session!
I really do like to hear him play.
I love it when he makes up songs for Amelia.
She climbs up in his lap and "helps" him.
He sings and plays, she plays and dances.
It melts my heart.

As much as I love him to play.
She is his # 1 fan!
I hope that never changes!



Kathy Campbell October 28, 2009 at 5:24 PM  

That is so sweet!

Mr. Soup plays the guitar as well and our daughter LOVES it. She'll be crying, but he gets the guitar out and she stops immediately.

She did her first zoom crawl to go after the guitar.

If she tries to "escape" from the room we are in, it's most likely to get to the living room where his 5 guitars are laid out.

I hope it lasts as well. I hope she has his musical talent and the joy of music.

Yelena R. October 28, 2009 at 7:18 PM  

Absolutely adorable! Love the second shot :)

Kasey October 28, 2009 at 8:23 PM  

beautiful captures Ali!!

Unknown October 28, 2009 at 9:29 PM  

Oh babies love music...your little sweetie must just be in heaven that she has a musical daddy! Very cool!!

:) T

jennifer October 28, 2009 at 10:42 PM  

so very sweet that he can play and sing to her!

Julie October 29, 2009 at 12:58 PM  

So sweet! Jeremy loves to sing and play the trumpet and guitar to Hannah. I'm sure that our girls will always be their biggest fans :)

Christina Lee Photography October 29, 2009 at 2:22 PM  

I have a piano/keyboard man (named Rich). He also thinks I hate it when he plays (I really LOVE it) but it also his timing I don't like. He doesn't get much time with it either (he left a band for our family). Maybe today I will take the kids out so he can play, thanks for the comment on my page!

About Me

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I am a wife, and mother to three beautiful babies (well..one is not so much a baby anymore)! In 2009 I departed my career of 14 years to stay at home with my babies. That first year I thought that I might just go crazy....I survived! The road has been bumpy but gets better everyday. I might even be getting a little more domesticated along the way! I'm learning to love this path that my life has taken. Can't wait to see what's next!


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