
Baby and the bike.

My dear husband was such a sweetheart today and took the baby outside with him so that I could have a little bit of a break. I was able to check my email, catch up on my blog reading, and browse for new curtains for the living room! It is amazing how much you can do when you aren't chasing around a 13 month old!

Well, my peace and quiet was soon disturbed by the sound of my husbands' bike starting up and I thought "there goes my break", because the baby is scared of the bike. She doesn't like the sound and so she usually starts crying when he starts it up. I decided to go outside and get her before she completely freaks out. I head outside and to my surprise I find my 13 month old riding laps in the back yard with her daddy. MY BABY ON A BIKE, WITH NO HELMET! So what if they were only going about 2 miles an hour! The thing was, she was totally loving it. Not a teardrop in sight, and I know her daddy would keep her safe. They finished taking their laps and when they stopped she did not want to get off that thing!

Oh, Lord what has he started?


About Me

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I am a wife, and mother to three beautiful babies (well..one is not so much a baby anymore)! In 2009 I departed my career of 14 years to stay at home with my babies. That first year I thought that I might just go crazy....I survived! The road has been bumpy but gets better everyday. I might even be getting a little more domesticated along the way! I'm learning to love this path that my life has taken. Can't wait to see what's next!


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