
just one of those days...

Today is one of those days that you know is going to be long.

One of those days where you just want to stay in bed all day under the warmth and safety of your blankets.

One of those days where everything just feels overwhelming and you don't feel like you can accomplish anything on your already-full list of never-ending tasks.

It doesn't help that today is also one of those dreaded-monthly days where you just feel like scooping out your ovaries with a melon-baller.

Too graphic? Sorry!

Seriously though, if this 800 mg. Motrin doesn't start working soon I'm going to scream...

or cry... or both!

Did I mention that the baby is teething, or that she didn't want to take a nap, or how she found a pen that her brother left down?

Did I mention how I lost my patience with one ink-covered baby? How I yelled a little loud at her, which then resulted in said baby with such a broken-heart and a pile of tears?

Which, in turn, resulted in one broken-hearted mommy and a pile of tears.

Today is just the sort of day that chocolate was invented for... and coffee.

Oh, and Snuggies. Why don't I have a Snuggie?

Then I realize that we need days like these so that we can appreciate all of the good days that we do have.

Also, I know that there are people out there that do not have it as good as I do. People that would welcome one of my "bad" days with open arms.

So, I will patiently wait for that Motrin to kick in. I will pick up my little girl and cuddle with her. I might even share a piece of my chocolate.

And, I will know that all is well and everything will be okay.

Have a great weekend!



Kathy Campbell September 18, 2009 at 5:42 PM  

I have had one of those days as well. I am so sorry.


I hope that tomorrow is much better for you, as I hope it's much better for me as well.

I love the second to last photo though. So very peaceful.

jen September 20, 2009 at 10:36 AM  

wishing you LOTS of chocolate.
sometimes it takes those bad/hard days to make the other days look brighter.

a.love September 20, 2009 at 11:27 AM  

it appears you handle your rough days much better than i do ;) and with a much more true perspective--my bad days aren't really that bad---they just feel to be so!!!

About Me

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I am a wife, and mother to three beautiful babies (well..one is not so much a baby anymore)! In 2009 I departed my career of 14 years to stay at home with my babies. That first year I thought that I might just go crazy....I survived! The road has been bumpy but gets better everyday. I might even be getting a little more domesticated along the way! I'm learning to love this path that my life has taken. Can't wait to see what's next!


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