Tsunami's and earthquakes and sirens...oh my!
Okay, so apparently there is a downside to living on a beautiful, tropical-island with an average annual temperature of 72 degrees!
Saturday, we were rudely awakened by a 7.0 earthquake 55 miles off the coast of Okinawa. Earthquakes scare the living daylight out of me! After living in California for about 8 years total I am not a complete newbie to tremors or small earthquakes but this was an entirely different experience!
We were awakened by shaking that (at the time) felt like it lasted forever! In actuality the shaking lasted for about 15-20 seconds, which is entirely too long for me.
Let me just tell you, this was scary! I was ready to run for the hills with my babies! Did I ever mention that I have this huge phobia about tsunami’s? Beyond paranoid really, I dream of these suckers! Oh and by the way, we live on the beach, right in the backyard!
What were we thinking?
I spent the entire weekend under a giant cloud of anxiety. Didn’t help that there was a possible giant-tsunami on the way after the Chile earthquake. Scary stuff guys! Oh, and the sirens....necessary but gives me the heebie jeebies! Don't care if I ever hear that sound again!
Alas, we survived the weekend and in all reality it could have been much worse. I am praying for the poor people in Chile. All this craziness in the world is just horrible.
Count your blessings and hug those babies a little bit tighter today!
I do not like this part of your tropical paradise :(. But I am so thankful & relieved that the 4 of you are ok.
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