
A new neighbor.

I have a new neighbor.

We were introduced this morning, well....sort of.

I don’t normally meet my neighbors half-naked, fresh from the shower,

wrapped up in a towel.

Alas, it just couldn’t be avoided.

You see, I was hardly out of the shower, when to my surprise I noticed someone looking through my window!

Can you imagine?

It surprised me so much that I just had to do what any other budding photographer girl would do, and grab my camera.

Yes indeed, how else was I going to prove that the new neighbor is nosy, if I don’t have a picture?

Don't believe me? Well, you just go right ahead and see for yourself then!

What did I tell ya?

You just never know about your neighbors nowadays.

She was totally watching me, checking me out, trying to get a feel for me.
You know, all the sort of things that nosy neighbors do.

Later that day, she made another appearance.
We were formally introduced.

She apologized for our previous meeting and swore up and down that she has never

done such a thing before. She was a little embarrassed.

Her name is Hildegard. Hildegard A. Hawke to be exact.

Isn’t she lovely?

I have decided that we are going to make great neighbors. She can give me some

tips on feathering my nest, and I can point out all of the neighborhood rats!

{hee, hee, I really need some sleep}

Hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with lots of love and great neighbors!



Cate O'Malley March 12, 2010 at 8:45 AM  

Haha, I think those are the best kind of nosy neighbors to have!

Julie March 12, 2010 at 4:11 PM  

Wow that would kinda creep me out :)

ellieshine March 13, 2010 at 12:00 AM  

These are great photos! I LOVE the composition - you are really rockin' it! the flare in the last one is yummy!!!!

and I would grab my camera too! It is difficult to tell . . . How big is your hawk friend?

michelle b @ every little thing inspired March 13, 2010 at 1:23 AM  

i just wanted to tell you that your photos are breathtaking!

gorgeous of the children as well!


tara March 15, 2010 at 3:43 PM  

Gorgeous photos, that last one is amazing!! you are a great photographer and I think your neigbor would agree as you made her look even lovlier then ever!

Gina March 28, 2010 at 3:06 PM  

these are awesome photos. the composition on some of these are superb!! and fitting with your blog title :)

About Me

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I am a wife, and mother to three beautiful babies (well..one is not so much a baby anymore)! In 2009 I departed my career of 14 years to stay at home with my babies. That first year I thought that I might just go crazy....I survived! The road has been bumpy but gets better everyday. I might even be getting a little more domesticated along the way! I'm learning to love this path that my life has taken. Can't wait to see what's next!


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