
This chapter...

If my life were a story, what kind would it be?
Would it be an adventure novel filled with twists and turns and enough action to keep you wondering what happens next?
Would it be a drama story, full of longing, laughter, and tears?
Or, would it be a romance full of love, heartache and new beginnings?

The answer is: all of the above.
My life's story has been many things so far, with many different chapters in it.
Everyone of those chapters has held a lesson for me. Some of those lessons were hard to swallow. Some of the lessons taught me something about myself that I hadn't previously known. Some of the chapters I wish to never read again. All of the chapters have changed me and they made me who I am today.

This current chapter has me soul searching. Re-defining who I am and what I believe in. I am finding out that God has a purpose for me and I just have to let him have control. Control is not an easy thing to give up when you are so used to fighting for it. Oh, I have sure been fighting it for a long, long time. Well, it's time that I cut my losses and give up the fight.
What I gain is going to be so much more rewarding!

I am looking forward to what the next chapter holds.


a.love September 30, 2009 at 2:29 PM  

Did you start reading Life's Healing Choices?! :) If not, well, we're in the same chapter anyway :)

About Me

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I am a wife, and mother to three beautiful babies (well..one is not so much a baby anymore)! In 2009 I departed my career of 14 years to stay at home with my babies. That first year I thought that I might just go crazy....I survived! The road has been bumpy but gets better everyday. I might even be getting a little more domesticated along the way! I'm learning to love this path that my life has taken. Can't wait to see what's next!


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